IF THIS IS AN EMERGENCY OR SOMEONE IS IN DANGER, CALL 911. Report a Concern Follow up on a Concern
UVA Compliance Helpline
UVA Compliance Helpline
To inform the University of any unethical behavior or policy violation, you may use the UVA Compliance Helpline to submit a report securely and confidentially (and anonymously, if desired). The compliance team in either the Academic Division or the Health System (based on the nature of the report) will receive your Helpline submission and will work with the relevant office to appropriately and respectfully investigate your concern.
Thank you for taking the time to report your concern, thereby helping to strengthen our community of trust.
Subject-Specific Reporting Portals
Alternatively, if you are already certain of the subject-specific reporting portal that is appropriate for your situation, you may find the link below.
Just Report It!
To report incidents involving sexual and gender-based violence, bias, hazing, Clery reports, speech rights, youth protection, or threats or acts of violence.
Respect @UVA
To report allegations of abuse or mistreatment of University personnel to UVA Human Resources, including situations related to workplace bullying or inappropriate behavior.
Report a Barrier
To identify accessibility obstacles to the University's programs, activities, or services.
(ADA Coordinator, Equal Opportunity and Civil Rights)
PADHR Complaint Form
To report discrimination, including harassment, in violation of the University's non-discrimination and equal opportunity policy statement.
Be Safe
For UVA Health team members to report a safety event that has caused or has the potential to cause a medical error or injury.
Patient Experience
For patients to provide feedback (complaints, compliments, or suggestions) on any aspect of the patient experience, or to ask questions about hospital services, policies and procedures.
UVA Fraud Hotline
To notify Internal Audit of situations involving fraud (434-924-4110).
State Fraud, Waste & Abuse Hotline
To submit allegations of fraud directly to the Office of the State Inspector General.
UVA Ready App and TipSubmit
TipSubmit is available to any member of the public to submit secure and anonymous tips to University Police.
Athletics Compliance Tipline
To identify potential violations related to NCAA or ACC regulations or UVA Athletics Covid-19 protocol.
Information Security Reporting
To report an information security incident or the unauthorized access/breach of University data.
Research Compliance
To report concerns about research involving human or animal subjects and other areas of compliance relating to federal, state and UVA regulations.
Research Integrity
To notify the UVA Research Integrity Officer of possible research misconduct.
Export Controls Reporting
To ask questions or document suspected violations related to export controls and sanction compliance.
Foreign Influence
To seek guidance or report a concern about potential undue foreign influence on research.
To report an accident, safety concern or hazardous situation in a space involving research, education, or patient care services
(Office of Environmental Health & Safety)
Report a Facilities Issue
To report physical infrastructure hazards (e.g., loose handrails, poor lighting, lack of crosswalk signage) or for after-hours building emergency calls.
(Facilities Management)
Employee Conviction Self-Disclosure Form
For employees to report any conviction of any crime (and for covered employees to report any moving traffic violation) within 5 days.
(Human Resources)
Student Arrest Self-Disclosure Form
For new and returning students to disclose relevant criminal arrests or convictions (annually or within 72 hours of any incident)
(Student Affairs)
Student Disciplinary Complaint
To report a violation of the University's Standards of Conduct.
Report an Honor Offense
To contact the Honor Committee or to report a possible honor offense.
(Honor Committee)
University Ombuds
An impartial, independent, and confidential resource for current faculty, staff and students seeking guidance, information, and potential options to overcome an existing conflict or concern.
For the UVA Wise community to report an incident related to student conduct, hazing, sexual misconduct, or threat assessment.
Community Concerns Reporting Portal
For residents of the surrounding community to communicate concerns (including those related to Covid-19 safety) to University administration.
(Student Affairs, UVA Police Department)